This website http://psjamemorial2001reunion.blogspot.com is another source of information for the 10 Year Reunion coming up. You can also send an email to psjamemorial2001reunion@yahoo.com or visit the "PSJA Memorial Class of 2001" page on facebook.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello everyone,
    This email is just a quick reminder that we REALLY need to start getting a realistic head count as to who will be attending the reunion and/or buying a shirt.  We will be accepting payments until October 12th but you can RSVP via email before then.  That's fine if you will be paying at a later date BUT RSVP NOW letting us know if you will be attending (or if you will not be attending) and how many guests you will be bringing.  Also, let us know how many shirts you'll need.  For those of you that have already paid for your tickets and shirts, THANK YOU and there is no need to RSVP.  You can RSVP via email at psjamemorial2001reunion@yahoo.com.  Thank you.

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